1698: Pardoning Piracy

By the King,



Whereas We being Informed by the frequent Complaints of Our good Subjects Trading to the East Indies, of several Wicked Piracies committed on those Seas, as well upon Our own Subjects as those of Our Alleys, have therefore thought fit, for the Security of the Trade of those Countries, by an utter Extirpation of the Pirates in all parts Eastward of the Cape of Good Hope, as Well beyond Cape Comorin as on this side of it, unless they shall forthwith Surrender themselves as is here-in after directed, To send out a Squadron of Men of War under the Command of Captain Thomas Warren; Now We to the Intent that such who have been Guilty of any Acts of Piracy in those Seas, may have Notice of Our most Gracious Intention of extending Our Royal Mercy to such of them as shall Surrender themselves, and to cause the severest Punishment, according to Law, to be inflicted upon those who shall continue Obstinate, have thought fit, by the Advice of Our Privy Council, to Issue this Proclamation, hereby Requiring and Commanding all Persons who have been guilty of any Act of Piracy, or any Ways Aiding or Assisting therein, in any place Eastward of the Cape of Good Hope, to Surrender themselves within the several respective times herein after limited, unto the said Captain Thomas Warren, and the Commander in Chief of the said Squadron for the time being, and to Israel Hayes, Peter Delanoye, and Christopher Pollard, Esquires, Commissioners appointed by Us for the said Expedition, or to any Three of them, or (in case of Death) the Major part of the Survivors of them. And we do hereby Declare, That We have been Graciously Pleased to Impower the said Captain Thomas Warren, and the Commander in Chief of the said Squadron for the time being, Israel Hayes, Peter Delanoye, and Christopher Pollard, Esquires, Commissioners aforesaid, or any Three of them, or (in case of Death) the Major part of the Survivors of them to give Assurance of Our most Gracious Pardon unto all such Pirates in the East Indies, (viz. all Eastward of the Cape of Good Hope) who shall so Surrender themselves for Piracies or Robberies committed by them upon the Sea or Land; Except nevertheless such as they shall Commit in any Place Whatsoever, after Notice of Our Grace and Favour hereby Declared; And also Excepting all such Piracies and Robberies as shall be Committed from the Cape of Good Hope, Eastward, to the Longitude or Meridian of Socatora, after the last day of April, One thousand six hundred ninety nine; And in any Place from the Longitude or Meridian of Socatora, Eastward to the Longitude or Meridian of Cape Comorin, after the last day of June, One thousand six hundred ninety nine; And in any Place whatsoever Eastward of Cape Comorin, after the last day of July, One thousand six hundred ninety nine; And also Excepting Henry Every alias Bridgeman and William Kid.

Given at Our Court at Kensington, the Eighth Day of December, 1698. In the Tenth Year of Our Reign.

God save the King.

London, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb,  deceas’d, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. MDCXCVIII.

Source: National Archives.

See also: 11 William 3 c. 7: The Piracy Act

Further reading: Wikipedia: Acts of Grace (Piracy)