AT the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 20th Day of March, 1760,
The Lords of His Majesty’s most Honourable Privy-Council.
WHEREAS the Time limited by His Majesty’s Proclamation of the 15th of May last, “For giving Encouragement to Seamen and able bodied Landmen to enter themselves on board His Majesty’s Ships of War; for granting Rewards for discovering such Seamen as shall conceal themselves; for pardoning such Seamen as have deserted and shall return into the Service; and also for taking up all stragling Seamen,” hath been prolonged and extended to the 24th of this Instant March; — And whereas it is judged expedient for His Majesty’s Service, that the same should be continued for some Time longer — It is therefore hereby ordered in Council, that the said Time be prolonged and extended from the aforesaid 24th Day of this Instant March, to the 10th Day of May next; and that the Bounties and Rewards given and granted by His Majesty’s aforementioned Proclamation, be continued to be paid until the said 10th Day of May next. — Whereof all Persons concerned are to take Notice, and govern themselves accordingly.
William Sharpe.
Source: London Gazette, 9984, March 18 to March 22, 1760.
Related: Proclamation 1759: Encouraging Seamen.