1870: 33 & 34 Victoria c.37: An Act to enable the senior Magistrate of populous Places in Scotland to act ex officio as a Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Supply for the County in which the said populous Place is situated.
[1st August 1870.]
WHEREAS an Act was passed in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth years of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and one, intituled “An Act to make more effectual provision for regulating the police of towns and populous places in Scotland, and for lighting, cleansing, paving, draining, supplying water to, and improving the same, and also for promoting the public health thereof:”
And whereas various populous places have been established and magistrates and commissioners therein appointed under the provisions of the said recited Act and other Acts therein recited, and it is expedient that the senior police magistrate of such places should be placed in the same position with regard to the county in which the said populous places are situated as the provosts of royal and parliamentary burghs:
Be it enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same:
[Senior magistrate of a populous place to be a justice of the peace and a commissioner of supply.]
1. In every populous place whereof the boundaries have been ascertained and fixed under the provisions of the said recited Act or the Act therein first recited, and which has adopted either of the said Acts so far as regards lighting, cleansing, draining, and the supply of water, the senior police magistrate elected under the provisions of either of the said Acts shall be ex officio a justice of the peace and commissioner of supply of the county within which the said populous place is situated; and where any such populous place is partly situated in each of two or more counties, such senior police magistrate shall in like manner be ex officio a justice of the peace and a commissioner of supply of each and all of the several counties in which any part of such populous place may be situated.
Source: Public General Statutes, 1870.