1819: 60 George 3 & 1 George 4 c.6: An Act for more effectually preventing Seditious Meetings and Assemblies; to continue in force until the End of the Session of Parliament next after Five Years from the passing of the Act.
[24th December 1819.]
WHEREAS in divers Parts of this Kingdom, Assemblies of large Numbers of Persons collected from various Parishes and Districts, under the Pretext of deliberating upon public Grievances, and of agreeing on Petitions, Complaints, Remonstrances, Declarations, Resolutions or Addresses upon the Subject thereof, have of late been held, in Disturbance of the Public Peace, to the great Terror and Danger of His Majesty’s loyal and peaceable Subjects, and in a manner manifestly tending to produce Confusion and Calamities in the Nation: Be it enacted by The King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,
[No Meeting of more than 50 Persons (except County Meetings, &c.) to be holden, unless in separate Parishes or Townships, and where Persons calling the Meeting shall usually inhabit, and with Notice to a Justice of the Peace by Seven Householders.]
That no Meeting of any Description of Persons, exceeding the Number of Fifty Persons (other than and except any Meeting of any County, or Division of any County, called by the Lord Lieutenant, Governor or Custos Rotulorum, or the Sheriff of such County, or any Meeting of any Riding of any County called by the Lord Lieutenant or Custos Rotulorum of such Riding, or by the Sheriff of the same County; or any Meeting called by the Sheriff or Stewart Depute or Substitute, or by the Convener of any County or Stewartry, or any Meeting called by Five or more acting Justices of the Peace of the County, Stewartry or Place where such Meeting shall be holden; or any Meeting of any Riding or Division of any County having different Ridings or Divisions, called by Five or more Justices of such Riding or Division; or any Meeting called by the major Part of the Grand Jury of the County where such Meeting shall be holden, at the Assizes for the said County; or any Meeting of any City, Borough or Town Corporate, called by the Mayor or other Head Officer of such City, Borough, or Town Corporate; or any Meeting of any Ward or Division of any City, called by the Alderman or other Head Officer of such Ward or Division, or any Meeting of any Corporate Body), shall be holden for the purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State; or of considering, proposing or agreeing to ‘any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address upon the Subject thereof; unless in the Parish, or when any Parish shall be divided into Townships, having separate and distinct Overseers of the Poor, then in the Township within which the Persons calling any such Meeting shall usually inhabit or dwell; nor unless Notice in Writing of the Intention to hold such Meeting, and of the Time and Place when and where, and of the Purpose for which the same shall be proposed to be holden, shall be delivered personally to some Justice of the Peace residing in or near to such Parish or Township, and usually acting for the District or Division within which such Parish or Township shall be situate, Six Days at the least before such Meeting shall be proposed to be holden as aforesaid; nor unless such Notice shall he subscribed by Seven Persons at the least, being Householders usually resident within the Parish or Township (as the Case may be) where such Meeting shall be proposed to be holden; nor unless the respective Places of Abode and Descriptions of such Persons be inserted in such Notice.
[Justice may alter Time and Place of Meeting;]
II. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Justice of the Peace to whom any such Notice as aforesaid shall be delivered, to alter the Time and Place, or either of them, mentioned in such Notice for holding any such proposed Meeting, and to fix any other convenient Time, being not more than Four Days from and after the Day proposed in the Notice, or any other convenient Place within the Parish or Township for which such Meeting is intended to be held as aforesaid;
[and notify the same in Writing.]
and in every such Case the said Justice of the Peace shall notify in Writing every such Alteration, and either give such Notification to the Person who shall deliver the Notice, or leave such Notification at any time within Two Days after the Delivery to the said Justice of such Notice as aforesaid, at the Place of Abode specified in such Notice of any one of the Seven Persons subscribing the same; and the said Meeting, if held, shall not in any such Case be held on any other Time, or at any other Place, than shall be so fixed by the said Justice of the Peace.
[No Adjournments of Meetings, &c.]
III. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful to adjourn any Meeting that shall be holden at any Time or Place mentioned in any such Notice, or so altered as aforesaid to any subsequent Time, or to any other Place than shall have been so mentioned in such Notice, or so altered as aforesaid; and that every Meeting which shall be holden by way of or under pretence of being an adjourned Meeting, at any other Time or Place than the Time or Place mentioned in such Notice, or so altered as aforesaid, for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to .any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, upon the Subject thereof, shall be deemed and taken to be an unlawful Assembly.
[No Persons (except Justices, &c.) to attend Meetings, unless Freeholders of the County, or Members of the Corporation, or Inhabitant of the city or Parish, &c. for which the Meeting shall be held;]
IV. And be it further enacted, That no Person (other than and except Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Under Sheriffs, Constables or other Peace Officers or other Persons acting under their Authority, or in their Aid or Assistance) shall attend any Meeting whatever exceeding the Number of Fifty Persons, which shall be holden for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, upon the Subject thereof, unless such Person, when the Meeting shall be holden for any County, Riding, Division or Stewartry, shall be a Freeholder, Copyholder, Heritor or Householder of, or an Inhabitant usually residing in the County or Riding, or Division of the County or Stewartry, within and for which the Meeting shall be holden, or a Freeman or Member of the Corporation, if the Meeting be of any Corporate Body, or a Householder of, or an Inhabitant usually residing, or a Freeholder or Copyholder having an Estate in Lands of the annual Value of Fifty Pounds, of which he shall have been in Possession Twelve Months, in the City, Borough or Town Corporate, Parish or Township (as the Case may be), within and for which any such Meeting shall be holden:
[or Members of Parliament or Voters.]
Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to any Member of the Commons House of Parliament, attending any such Meeting as aforesaid, in any County, City, Borough, Town or Place for which he shall be serving in Parliament; nor to any Person having a Right to vote for a Member to serve in Parliament for any City, Borough, Town or Place, attending any Meeting of such City, Borough, Town or Place, which may be called by the Mayor or other Head Officer.
[Attending Meetings contrary to Act.]
V. And be it further enacted, That if any Person shall knowingly and wilfully attend any Meeting holden for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, upon the Subject thereof, not being a Freeholder, Copyholder, Heritor or Householder of or Inhabitant usually residing in the County or Riding, or Division of the County or the Stewartry, within and for which the Meeting shall be holden, when such Meeting shall be holden for any County, Riding, Division or Stewartry, or not being a Freeman or Member of the Corporation, if the Meeting be of any Corporate Body, or a Householder of or Inhabitant usually residing, or Freeholder or Copyholder having such Estate as aforesaid, in the City, Borough or Town Corporate, Parish or Township (as the Case may be), within and for which any such Meeting shall be holden, and not being such Member of the Commons House of Parliament, attending as aforesaid, such Person being convicted thereof,
shall be liable to be punished by Fine and Imprisonment, not exceeding Twelve Calendar Months, at the Discretion of the Court in which the Conviction shall be had.
[Justices, &c. may resort to Assemblies;]
VI. And be it further enacted, That all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Under Sheriffs, Mayors and other Head Officers aforesaid, are hereby respectively authorised and empowered, within their respective Jurisdictions, where any Meeting or Assembly shall be holden, or be proposed to be holden, for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, upon the Subject thereof, to proceed to the Place where such Meeting or Assembly shall be holden, or shall be proposed to be holden, and there to do or order or cause to be done all such Acts, Matters and Things, as the Case may require, which they are hereby enabled to do, or to order to be done, or which they are otherwise by Law enabled or entitled to do, or to order to be done;
[and may require and take Constables, &c.]
and it shall be lawful for all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Under Sheriffs, Mayors and other Head Officers respectively as aforesaid, to require and take the Assistance of any Number of Constables or other Officers of the Peace within the District or Place wherein such Meeting as hereinbefore mentioned shall be holden, or any other Persons in their Aid or Assistance, when they shall deem such Aid or Assistance to be necessary and requisite.
[Cases where Meetings shall be deemed unlawful.]
VII. And be it further enacted, That in case any Meeting shall be holden in pursuance of any such Notice as aforesaid, and such Notice shall express or purport that any Matter or Thing by Law established may be altered otherwise than by the Authority of the King, Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled; or shall tend to incite or stir up the People to Hatred or Contempt of the Person of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or of the Government and Constitution of this Realm, as by Law established; every such Meeting shall be deemed and taken to be an unlawful Assembly.
[Persons attending Meetings contrary to Act, to be required by Proclamation to depart.]
VIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons shall attend any Meeting whatever, holden for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, upon the Subject thereof, contrary to the Provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for any One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace in and for any County, or the Sheriff or Under Sheriff of any County, or the Mayor or other Head Officer, or any Justice of the Peace of any City or Town Corporate, within which any such Meeting shall be held, to make or cause to be made Proclamation in the King’s Name, in the Form directed in this Act, commanding every Person so unlawfully attending any such Meeting immediately and peaceably to depart therefrom;
[Not departing.]
and if any Person or Persons so ordered to depart as aforesaid, shall not, upon such Proclamation, depart from any such Meeting within the Space of a Quarter of an Hour after such Proclamation made, that then and in every such Case,
every such Person so continuing and not departing as aforesaid, shall, upon being thereof lawfully convicted, be adjudged to be guilty of Felony, and shall be liable to be transported for any Period not exceeding Seven Years.
[Form of Proclamation.]
IX. And be it further enacted, That the Order and Form of the Proclamation to be made as aforesaid, shall be as hereafter fol-loweth; (that is to say,) the Justice of the Peace or other Person, or One of the Justices of Peace, or One of the other Persons authorised by this Act to make the said Proclamation, shall, among the said Persons assembled, or as near to them as he can safely come, with a loud Voice, command or cause to be commanded Silence to be, while Proclamation is making; and after that shall openly, and with loud Voice, make or cause to be made Proclamation in these Words, or to the like Effect:
‘Our Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth every Person here assembled, who is not a [Freeholder, Heritor of __________, Freeman of __________, Member of __________, Householder of __________, or Inhabitant usually residing, or Freeholder in, or Copyholder in __________, naming the County, Riding, Division, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town, Body Corporate, Parish or Township, as the Case may be,] or who is not entided to attend this Meeting, immediately to depart from this Meeting to his lawful Business.
God save the King.’
[Persons not entitled to attend meetings and not departing upon Proclamation; Proceedings.]
X. And be it further enacted, That when any such Proclamation as aforesaid shall have been made at any Meeting, it shall be lawful for any Person lawfully attending such Meeting, to seize and apprehend any Person not entitled to attend such Meeting, who shall not, upon the making of such Proclamation, forthwith depart, and to carry such Person before any Justice of the Peace of the County, Hiding, Division, Stewartry, City or Town Corporate, within which such Meeting shall be held, to be dealt with according to Law.
[Persons assembled contrary to this Act, not dispersing after being required so to do by Proclamation;]
XI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace in and for any County, or for the Sheriff or Under Sheriff of any County, or for the Mayor or other Head Officer, or any Justice of the Peace of any City or Town Corporate, within which any Meeting shall be held, or Persons shall assemble for the Purpose of holding any Meeting contrary to the Provisions of this Act, or where any Person or Persons not entitled to attend any Meeting or Assembly as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to depart therefrom for the Space of a Quarter of an Hour after such Proclamation made as aforesaid, to make or cause to be made Proclamation in the King’s Name, in the Manner and Form hereinafter directed, to command all Persons there assembled to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their Habitations, or to their lawful Business; and if any such Persons so assembled as aforesaid shall, to the Number of Twelve or more, notwithstanding such Proclamation made, continue together by the Space of Half an Hour after such Proclam-ation made, that then and in every such Case every Person so continuing, being thereof legally convicted, shall be adjudged guilty of Felony,
and be liable to be transported for any Term not exceeding Seven Years.
[Form of Proclamation.]
XII. And be it further enacted, That the Order and Form of the Proclamation to be made as aforesaid, shall be as hereafter followeth; (that is to say), the Justice or Justices of the Peace, or other Person authorised by this Act to make such Proclamation, shall, among the said Persons assembled, or as near to them as he can safely come, with a loud Voice, command or cause to be commanded Silence to be, while Proclamation is making; and after that shall openly, and with loud Voice, make or cause to be made Proclamation in these Words, or to the like Effect:
‘OUR Sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all Persons here assembled immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their Habitations, or to their lawful Business.’
‘GOD save the King.’
[Justices at Meetings, on Notice, may order Persons propounding or maintaining Propositions for altering any thing by Law established, (Exception) to be taken into Custody, &c.]
XIII. And be it further enacted, That if One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace present at any Meeting requiring such Notice as aforesaid, shall think fit to order any Person or Persons who shall attend such Meeting in any manner contrary to the Provisions of this Act, or who shall at such Meeting proceed to propound or maintain any Proposition for altering any thing by Law established, otherwise than by the Authority of the King, Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, or shall wilfully and advisedly make any Proposition, or hold any Discourse for the Purpose of inciting and stirring up the People to Hatred or Contempt of the Person of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or the Government and Constitution of this Realm as by Law established, to be taken into Custody, to be dealt with according to Law;
[Obstructing Justice;]
and in case the said Justice or Justices, or any of them, or any Peace Officer acting under his or their or any of their Orders, shall be forcibly obstructed in taking into Custody any Person or Persons so ordered to be taken into Custody, then and in such case it shall be lawful for any such Justice or Justices thereupon to make or cause to be made such Proclamation as last aforesaid, in manner aforesaid;
[Proclamation to be made.]
and if any Persons, to the Number of Twelve or more, being required or commanded by such Proclamation to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart as last aforesaid,
[Not departing after Proclamation made;]
shall, to the Number of Twelve or more, notwithstanding such Proclamation made, remain or continue together by the Space of Half an Hour after such Command or Request made by Proclamation, that then such continuing together to the Number of Twelve or more, after such Command or Request made by Proclamation, shall be adjudged Felony, and the Offenders therein shall be adjudged Felons,
and shall be liable to be transported for any Term not exceeding Seven Years.
[Persons obstructing Justices, &c.]
XIV. And be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons do or shall, with Force and Arms, wilfully and knowingly oppose, obstruct, or in any manner wilfully and knowingly let, hinder or hurt any Justice of the Peace, or other Person authorised as aforesaid, or any Person acting in Aid or Assistance of any Justice of the Peace who shall attend or disperse any such Meeting as aforesaid, or shall be going to attend or to disperse any such Meeting, or any Justice of the Peace or Peace Officer, or any Person or Persons acting in Aid or Assistance of any Justice of the Peace or other Officer who shall begin to proclaim, or be going or endeavouring to make any Proclamation authorised or directed to be made under the Provisions of this Act, whereby such Proclamation shall not be made; and also if any Persons so being assembled as aforesaid, to whom any such Proclamation as aforesaid should or ought to have been made, if the same had not been hindered as aforesaid,
[or Twelve or more continuing together, &c.]
shall, to the Number of Twelve or more, continue together, and not disperse themselves within Half an Hour after such Let or Hindrance so made, having Knowledge of such Let or Hindrance so made; and also if any Person so being at any such Assembly as aforesaid shall, with Force and Arms, wilfully and knowingly oppose, obstruct, or in any manner wilfully and knowingly let, hinder or hurt any Justice of the Peace or other Magistrate, or any Peace Officer or other Person acting in their Aid or Assistance, in the arresting, apprehending or taking into Custody, or detaining, in Execution of any of the Provisions of this Act, any Person or Persons, or endeavouring so to do, that then and in every such Case every Person so offending, being thereof legally convicted, shall be adjudged guilty of Felony,
and be liable to be transported for any Term not exceeding Seven Years.
[Justices &c. indemnified in case of Persons being killed or maimed.]
XV. And be it further enacted, That if the Persons assembled at any Meeting or Assembly held contrary to the Provisions of this Act, or which shall become and be an unlawful Assembly, under the Provisions of this Act, or any of them, shall happen to be killed, maimed or hurt, in the dispersing or endeavouring to disperse, or arresting or apprehending or detaining them, or any of them, or in the endeavouring so to do, by reason of their resisting the Persons so dispersing, seizing or apprehending, or endeavouring to disperse, seize or apprehend them, that every such Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Under Sheriff, Mayor, Head Officer, Magistrate, High or Petty Constable or other Peace Officer, and all and singular Persons being aiding and assisting to them, or any of them, shall be free, discharged and indemnified, as well against the King’s Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, as against all and every other Person and Persons, of, for or concerning the killing, maiming or hurting of any such Person or Persons so continuing together as aforesaid, that shall happen to be so killed, maimed or hurt as aforesaid.
[Proviso for Meetings held in private Rooms;]
XVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing hereinbefore contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to any Meeting or Assembly which shall be wholly holden in any Room or Apartment of any House or Building; any thing herein-before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
[and for Meetings for returning Members to Parliament.]
XVII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to any Meeting held in any County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place, returning any Member to serve in Parliament, after the issuing and before the Return of any Writ for the Election of any Member to serve in Parliament for such County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place.
[Attending Meetings with Arms, Weapons, &c.]
XVIII. And be it further declared and enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person to attend, proceed to or be present at any Meeting whatsoever, which shall be holden for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon, or proceeding to deliberate upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, on the Subject thereof, armed with any Gun, Pistol, Sword, Dagger, Pike, Bludgeon or other offensive Weapon;
and that every Person who shall offend in the Premises, shall, upon being convicted thereof, be fined and imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, at the Discretion of the Court before which such Conviction shall be had:
[Proviso for Justices of Peace, &c.]
Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to anv Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Under Sheriff, Mayor or other Head Officer aforesaid, or to any Peace Officer, or to any other Person or Persons acting in their Aid or Assistance, who shall attend, proceed to or be present at anysuch Meeting as aforesaid.
[Attending Meetings with Flags, Banners, and other Ensigns or Emblems.]
XIX. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person to attend, proceed to or be present at, or return from any Meeting whatever, which shall be holden for the Purpose or on the Pretext of deliberating upon, or proceeding to deliberate upon any Public Grievance, or upon any Matter or Thing relating to any Trade, Manufacture, Business or Profession, or upon any Matter in Church or State, or of considering, proposing or agreeing to any Petition, Complaint, Remonstrance, Declaration, Resolution or Address, on the Subject thereof, with any Hag, Banner or Ensign, or displaying or exhibiting any Device, Badge or Emblem, or with any Drum or Military or other Music, or in Military Array or Order;
and that every Person who shall offend in the Premises, shall, upon being convicted thereof, be fined and imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, at the Discretion of the Court before which such Conviction shall be had.
[Sheriffs Depute, &c. in Scotland to hare the same Powers as Magistrates in England.]
XX. And be it further enacted, That the Sheriffs Depute and their Substitutes, Stewards Depute and their Substitutes, Justices of the Peace, Magistrates of Royal Burghs, and all other inferior Judges and Magistrates, and also all High and Petty Constables, or other Peace Officers of any County, Stewartry, City or Town, within that Part of the United Kingdom called Scotland, shall have such and the same Powers and Authorities for putting this present Act in Execution within Scotland, as the Justices of the Peace, and Peace Officers and Constables aforesaid, respectively have, by virtue of this Act, within and for other Parts of the United Kingdom.
[Justices at Sessions may subdivide large Parishes and Townships for the Purposes of this Act.]
XXI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Justices of the Peace, assembled at any Quarter or General Sessions of the Peace, in any case in which they shall deem it expedient for the Purpose of preventing tumultuous Meetings, to divide any Parish or Township within their Jurisdiction, having a Population exceeding, in the Judgment of the said Justices, Twenty thousand Inhabitants, into Two or more Divisions, for all the Purposes of this Act, and to assign the Boundaries of such Divisions; and that a Registry of such Divisions so made, specifying and describing the Boundaries so assigned, shall be entered with the Clerk of the Peace of the County, Riding or Division within which such Parish or Township is situate, and a Duplicate thereof shall be transmitted to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor, or to the Minister and Elders, or to the Kirk Session of the Parish or Township so divided, to be by them preserved and kept with the Books of such Parish or Township, and Copies thereof shall be put up, and from time to time (in case of the Removal) replaced upon the Doors of the Church of such Parish or Township; and when any such Parish or Township shall be so divided, each of such separate Divisions shall, for all the Purposes of this Act, be deemed a separate Parish or Township; and all the Clauses, Provisions, Regulations, Matters and Things in this Act contained, relating to any Assemblies or Meetings in Parishes or Townships, shall apply and be enforced, as to all such separate Division of Parishes or Townships, as fully and effectually as if the same were severally and separately repeated and re-enacted in relation thereto:
[Proviso as to Population.]
Provided always, that no such Division shall contain a Population, which in the Judgment of the said Justices shall consist of less than Ten thousand Persons.
[Extraparochial Places to be deemed Parishes for the Purposes of this Act.]
XXII. And be it further enacted, That every Extraparochial Place shall be deemed and taken to be a Parish or Township, for all the Purposes of this Act; and all the Clauses, Provisions, Regulations, Matters and Things in this Act contained, relating to any Assemblies or Meetings in Parishes or Townships, shall apply and be enforced as to all Extraparochial Places, as fully and effectually as if the same were severally and separately repeated and re-enacted in relation thereto.
[Recital of 57 G. 3. c. 19. §23. Proviso for Meetings in certain Parishes in Westminster, within One Mile of Westminster Hall Gate.]
XXIII. And Whereas by an Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for the more effectually preventing Seditious Meetings and Assemblies, certain Regulations are enacted in relation to Meetings in the City or Liberties of Westminster, or County of Middlesex, which might prevent any Meeting under the Provisions of this Act in the Parishes of Saint John and Saint Margaret Westminster; Be it therefore enacted, That it shall be lawful to hold any Meetings in such Parishes respectively, which may be held under the Provisions of this Act, within the Distance of One Mile from the Gate of Westminster Hall, provided that the same shall not be held in Old or New Palace Yard at any time during the Sitting of Parliament; any thing in the said recited Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
[Act not to legalise Notices, Meetings, &c. now contrary to Law.]
XXIV. Provided always, and be it enacted and declared, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to render lawful any Notice, or any Assembly or Meeting, or any Act or Thing which may be done at any Assembly or Meeting in pursuance of any such Notice, or the Attendance of any Person or Persons, which Notice, Assembly, Meeting, Act or Attendance, would have been contrary to Law if this Act had not been made.
[Proviso for Prosecutions otherwise than under this Act.]
XXV. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to prevent any Prosecution by Indictment or otherwise, for any thing which may be an Offence within the Intent and Meaning of this Act, and which might have been so prosecuted if this Act had not been made, unless the Offender shall have been prosecuted for such Offence under this Act, and convicted or acquitted of such Offence.
[Places for Lectures or Debates, unless previously licensed, deemed to be disorderly Places; and Persons punishable for paying or receiving Money.]
XXVI. And Whereas it is expedient that Houses and Places used for the Purpose of publicly delivering Lectures, or of holding Debates, should be regulated; Be it therefore enacted, That every House, Room, Field or other Place, at or in which
any Person shall publicly read, or at or in which any Lecture or Discourse shall be publicly delivered, or any public Debate shall be had, on any Subject whatever, for the Purpose of raising or collecting Money, or any other valuable Thing, from the Persons admitted, or to which any Person shall be admitted by Payment of Money, or by any Ticket or Token of any kind delivered in consideration of Money, or any other valuable Thing, or in consequence of paying or giving, or having paid or given, or having agreed to pay or give, in any manner, any Money or other valuable Thing, or where any Money or other valuable Thing shall be received from any Person admitted, either under Pretence of paying for any Refreshment or other Thing, or under any other Pretence, or for any other Cause, or by means of any Device or Contrivance whatever, shall be deemed a disorderly House or Place, unless the same shall have been previously licensed in manner herein-after mentioned;
[Opening such Places;]
and the Person by whom such House, Room, Field or Place shall be opened or used, for any of the Purposes aforesaid,
[Penalty 100l. on each Offence.]
shall forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds for every Day or Time that such House, Room, Field or Place shall be opened or used as aforesaid, to such Person as will sue for the same, and be otherwise punished as the Law directs in Cases of disorderly Houses; and every Person managing or conducting the Proceedings, or acting as Moderator, President or Chairman, at such House, Room, Field or Place, so opened or used as aforesaid, or therein debating, publicly reading or delivering any Discourse or Lecture;
[Collecting or giving Money for Admission;]
and also every Person who shall pay, give, collect or receive, or agree to pay, give or receive, any Money or Thing for or in respect of the Admission of any Person into any such House, Room, Field or Place, or shall deliver out, distribute or receive any such Ticket or Tickets, or Token or Tokens as aforesaid, knowing such House, Room, Field or Place to be opened or used for any such Purpose as aforesaid,
[Penalty 20l.]
shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.
[Persons acting as Masters of such Places liable to Prosecution.]
XXVII. And be it further enacted, That every Person who shall at any time hereafter appear, act or behave him or herself as Master or Mistress, or as the Person having the Command, Government, or Management of any such House, Room, Field or Place as aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken to be a Person by whom the same is opened or used as aforesaid, and shall be liable to be sued or prosecuted, and punished as such, notwithstanding he or she be not in fact the real Owner or Occupier thereof.
[Magistrates may demand Admission to unlicensed Places:]
XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Justice or Justices of the Peace of any County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place, who shall by Information upon Oath have Reason to suspect that any House, Room, Field or Place, or any Parts or Part thereof, are or is opened or used for the Purpose of publicly reading or delivering Lectures or Discourses, or for public Debate, contrary to the Provisions of this Act, to go to such House, Room, Field or Place, and demand to be admitted therein; and in case such Justice or Justices shall be refused Admittance to such House, Room, Field or Place, or any Part thereof, the same shall be deemed a disorderly House or Place within the Intent and Meaning of this Act, and all and every the Provisions hereinbefore contained respecting any House, Room, Field or Place hereinbefore declared to be a disorderly House or Place, shall be applied to such House, Room, Field or Place, where such Admittance shall have been refused as aforesaid;
[Refusing Admission, Penalty, 20l.]
and every Person refusing such Admittance shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.
[Two Justices may license Places for Lectures, &c.]
XXIX. Provided nevertheless, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Two or more Justices of the Peace for the County, Riding, Division, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place, where any House, Room or other Buildings shall be intended to be opened for any of the Purposes aforesaid, by Writing under their Hands and Seals, at the Quarter or General Sessions of the Peace, or at any Special Session to be held for the particular Purpose, to grant a Licence to any Person or Persons desiring the same to open such House, Room or other Building for the Purpose of delivering, for Money, any such public Reading, Lectures or Discourses as aforesaid, or for the Purpose of holding Debates on any Subjects, the same being clearly expressed in such Licence,
[Fee for Licence.]
for which Licence a Fee of One Shilling and no more shall be paid; and the same shall be in force for the Space of One Year and no longer, or for any less Space of Time therein to be specified;
[Sessions may revoke the same.]
and which Licence it shall be lawful for the Justices of the Peace of the same County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place, at any General Quarter or General Sessions of the Peace, to revoke and declare void and no longer in force, by any Order of such Justices, a Copy whereof shall be delivered to or served upon the Person to whom the said Licence so revoked shall have been granted, or shall be left at the House, Room or Building for which such Licence shall have been granted; and thereupon such Licence shall, cease and determine, and be thenceforth utterly void and of no effect.
[Justices may inspect licensed Places:]
XXX. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Justice or Justices of the Peace of any County, Stewartry, City, Borough, Town or Place, where any such House, Room or other Building shall be licensed as herein provided, to go to such House, Room or Building so licensed, at the time of any such public Reading or delivering any such Lecture or Discourse, or of holding any Debate therein as aforesaid, or at the Time appointed for any such public Reading, or delivering any such Lecture or Discourse, or of holding any Debate, and demand to be admitted therein;
[Refusing Admittance,]
and in case such Justice or Justices shall be refused Admittance to such House, Room or Building,the same shall be deemed, notwithstanding any such Licence as aforesaid, a disorderly House or Place within the Meaning of this Act, and all and every the Provisions hereinbefore contained respecting any House, Room, Field or Place hereinbefore declared to be a disorderly House or Place, shall be applied to such House, Room or Building so licensed as aforesaid, where such Admittance shall have been refused as aforesaid;
[Penalty 20l.]
and every Person refusing such Admittance shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds to any Person who shall sue for the same.
[Proviso for Lectures at the Universities, Inns of Court, Gresham College, &c.]
XXXI. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to any Lecture or Discourses to be delivered in any of the Universities of the United Kingdom, by any Member thereof, or any Person authorised by the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor or other proper Officers of such Universities respectively; or to any public Reading or Lecture or Discourse, to be delivered in the Public Hall of any of the Inns of Court or Chancery, by any Person authorised by the Benchers of the Inns of Court; or by the Professors of Gresham College; or to the Professors in the College established for the Education of the Civil Servants of the East India Company, or the Seminaries established for the Education of their Military Service; or to any Society or Body of Men incorporated or established by Royal Charter or by Authority of Parliament;
[And for Payments to Schoolmasters, &c. in respect of Public Readings, &c.]
and that no Payment made to any Schoolmaster, or other Person by Law allowed to teach and instruct Youth, in respect of any public Readings, or Lectures or Discourses, delivered by such Schoolmaster or other Person, for the Instruction only of such Youth as shall be committed to his Instruction, shall be deemed a Payment of Money for Admission to public Readings or such Lectures or Discourses, within the Intent and Meaning of this Act.
[Forfeiture of License in case of seditious or immoral Lectures.]
XXXII. Provided also, and be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Two Justices of the Peace, acting for any County, Stewartry, Riding, Division, City, Town or Place, upon Evidence on Oath that any House, Room or Place, so licensed and opened as aforesaid, is commonly used for the Purpose of public reading or delivering Lectures or Discourses of a seditious, irreligious or immoral Tendency, to adjudge and declare the Licence for opening the same to have been forfeited; and such Licence shall thereupon cease and determine, and shall thenceforth be utterly void and of no effect.
[Recovery of Penalties exceeding 20l.]
XXXIII. And be it further enacted, That all or any of the pecuniary Fines, Penalties or Forfeitures, exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds, incurred under this Act in that Part of Great Britain called England, or in Ireland, may be recovered by Action of Debt in any of His Majesty’s Courts of Record at Westminster and Dublin respectively, and in Scotland in the Court of Session there; and it shall be sufficient to declare in that Part of Great Britain called England, and in Ireland, or conclude in Scotland, that the Defendant or Defender is indebted to the Plaintiff or Pursuer in the Sum of __________ (being the Sum demanded by the said Action), being forfeited by an Act made in the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act [here insert the Title of this Act]; and the Plaintiff or Pursuer, if he shall recover in such Action, shall have his full Costs or Expences;
[not exceeding 20l.]
and any pecuniary Penalty imposed by this Act, not exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and for the Recovery whereof no Provision is hereinbefore contained, shall and may be recovered before any Justice or Justices of the Peace for the County, Stewartry, Riding, Division, City, Town or Place, in which the same shall be incurred, or the Person having incurred the same shall happen to be, in a summary Way;
[If Penalty not paid,]
and in case such last mentioned Penalty shall not be forthwith paid, such Justice or Justices shall, by Warrant under his or their Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals, and directed to any Constable or other Peace Officer,
[Distress, &c.]
cause the same to be levied by Distress and Sale of the Offender’s Goods and Chattels, together with all Costs and Charges attending such Distress and Sale;
[If no Distress,]
and in case no sufficient Distress can be had or made,
such Justice or Justices shall commit the Offender to the Common Gaol or House of Correction for such County, Stewartry, Riding, Division, City, Borough, Town or Place, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize, for any Time not exceeding Six Calendar Months, nor less than Three Calendar Months:
[Limitation of Prosecutions for Penalties.]
Provided always, that no Person shall be prosecuted or sued for any pecuniary Penalty imposed by this Act, unless such Prosecution shall be commenced, or such Action shall be brought, within Three Calendar Months next after such Penalty shall have been incurred.
[Application of Penalties.]
XXXIV. And be it further enacted, That all pecuniary Penalties and Forfeitures imposed by this Act shall, when recovered, either by Action in any Court, or in a summary Way before any Justice, be applied and disposed of in manner hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, One Moiety thereof to the Plaintiff in any such Action, or to the Informer before any Justice, and the other Moiety thereof to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors.
[Form of Conviction.]
XXXV. And be it further enacted, That the Justice or Justices of the Peace by or before whom any Offender shall be convicted under this Act, shall cause the said Conviction to be made out in the Manner and Form following, or in any other Form of Words to the like effect, mutatis mutandis; that is to say,
‘BE it remembered, That on this __________ Day of __________ in the __________ Year of the Reign of __________, A. B. of __________ is duly convicted before [me or us, as the Case may be] __________ of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for __________, in pursuance of an Act passed in the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act [set forth the Title of the Act], for that the said A. B., after the passing the said Act, on __________ at __________, did contrary to the said Act [here specify the Offence against the Act, as the Case may be]; wherefore [I or we, as the Case may be], the said __________ do adjudge that the said A. B. do pay the Sum of __________ as a Penalty for his said Offence.’
[Limitation of Actions in England and Ireland for executing Act.]
XXXVI. And be it further enacted, That any Action and Suit which shall be brought or commenced against any Justice or Justices of the Peace, Constable, Peace Officer, or other Person or Persons, in that Part of Great Britain called England, or in Ireland, for any thing done or acted in pursuance of this Act, shall be commenced within Six Calendar Months next after the Fact committed, and not afterwards; and the Venue in every such Action or Suit shall be laid in the proper County where the Fact was committed, and not elsewhere;
[General Issue.]
and the Defendant or Defendants in every such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon; and if such Action or Suit shall be brought or commenced after the Time limited for bringing the same, or the Venue shall be laid in any other Place than as aforesaid, then the Jury shall find a Verdict for the Defendant or Defendants; and in such Case, or if the Jury shall find a Verdict for the Defendant or Defendants upon the Merits, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall become nonsuit, or discontinue his, her or their Actions after Appearance, or if upon Demurrer Judgment shall be given against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs,
[Double Costs.]
the Defendant or Defendants shall have Double Costs, which he or they shall and may recover in such and the same manner as any Defendant can by Law in other Cases.
[Limitation of Actions, &c. in Scotland for executing Act.]
XXXVII. And be it further enacted, That every Action and Suit which shall be brought or commenced against any Person or Persons in Scotland, for any thing done or acted in pursuance of this Act, shall in like manner be commenced within Six Calendar Months after the Fact committed, and not afterwards, and shall be brought in the Court of Session in Scotland,
and the Defender or Defenders may plead that the Matter complained of was done in pursuance of this Act, and may give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence; and if such Action or Suit shall be brought or commenced after the Time limited for bringing the same, then the same shall be dismissed; and in such Case, or if the Defender or Defenders shall be assoilzied, or the Pursuer or Pursuers shall suffer the Action or Suit to fall asleep, or a Decision shall be pronounced against the Pursuer or Pursuers upon the Relevancy,
[Double Costs.]
the Defender or Defenders shall have Double Costs or Expences, which he or they shall and may recover in such and the same manner as any Defender can by Law recover Costs or Expences in other Cases.
[Limitation of Prosecutions for Offences.]
XXXVIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Person shall be prosecuted by virtue of this Act, for any thing done or committed contrary to the Provisions hereinbefore contained, unless the Prosecution shall be commenced within Six Calendar Months after the Offence committed.
[Act may be altered this Session.]
XXXIX. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, varied or repealed, by any Act to be passed in this present Session of Parliament.
[Commencement and Continuance of Act.]
XL. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall commence and have effect within the City of London, and within Twenty Miles thereof, from the Day next after the Day of passing this Act, and shall commence and have effect within all other Parts of the Kingdom, from the Expiration of Ten Days next after the Day of passing this Act; and shall be and continue in force for Five Years from the Day of passing this Act, and until the End of the then next Session of Parliament.
Source: Statutes of the United Kingdom, Butterworth’s ed.
Further reading: Wikipedia.