1782: 22 George 3 c.46: An Act to enable his Majesty to conclude a Peace or Truce with certain Colonies in North America therein mentioned.
‘WHEREAS it is essential to the interests, welfare, and prosperity of Great Britain, and of the colonies or plantations of New Hampshire, Massachusets Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, the three lower counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and George in North America, that peace, intercourse, trade and commerce, should be restored between them: Wherefore, and for a full Manifestation of the earnest Wish and Desire of his Majesty and his Parliament to put an End to the Calamities of War,’ be it enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,
[His Majesty impowered to conclude a Peace of Truce with the Colonies in North America;]
That it shall and may be lawful for his Majesty to treat, consult of, agree, and conclude, with any Commissioner or Commissioners, named or to be named by the said Colonies or Plantations, or any of them respectively, or with any Body or Bodies Corporate or Politick, or any Assembly or Assemblies, or Description of Men, or any Person or Persons whatsoever, a Peace or a Truce with the said Colonies or Plantations, or any of them, or any Part or Parts thereof; any Law, Act or Acts of Parliament, Matter, or Thing, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
[and, for that Purpose, to repeal, or to suspend the Operation of any Acts so far as they relate to the said Colonies.]
II. And, in order to obviate any Impediment, Obstacle, or Delay, to the carrying the Intentions of his Majesty and his Parliament into Effect, which might arise from any Act or Acts of Parliament affecting or relating to the said Colonies or Plantations, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That, for the concluding and establishing of a Peace or Truce with the said Colonies or Plantations, or any of them, his Majesty shall have full Power and Authority, by virtue of this Act, by his Letters Patent, under the Great Seal of Great Britain, to repeal, annul, and make void, or to suspend, for any Time or Times, the Operation and Effect of any Act or Acts of Parliament which relate to the said Colonies or Plantations, or any of them, so far as the same do relate to them, or any of them, or any Part or Parts thereof, or any Clause, Provision, or Matter therein contained so far as such Clauses, Provisions, or Matters relate to the said Colonies, or Plantations, or any of them, or any Part or Parts thereof.
[Continuance of this Act.]
III. And be it further enacted, That this Act, as to the Exercise of the Powers and Authorities hereby given to his Majesty, shall continue to be in full Force until the first Day of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three.
Source: Ruffhead, Statutes at Large, Vol. 14.