Bibliographies of collections of English, British and U.K statutes, from the Magna Carta until 1878, and other legal texts (JP Manuals and State Trials), with additional pages giving sources for Irish and Scottish laws.
- Chronological
- Statutes of the Realm, 1101 to 1713
- Baskett’s Statutes, 1711 – 1788
- Pickering’s Statutes At Large, Magna Charta to 1806
- Ruffhead’s Statutes At Large, Magna Charta to 1763 / 1800.
- Butterworths, 1807-1841
- Raithby, et al., Statutes of the U.K. 1801 – 1829
- A Collection of the Public General Statutes, 1837-1869
- Public General Statutes, 1870-1878
- The Law Reports Public General Statutes, 1866 – 1921.
- Ireland to 1800
- Northern Ireland, from 1921
- Scotland
- Isle of Man
- Local Acts
- Private Acts
- Statutory Rules, Orders, Instruments
- The English Reports
- State Trials
- Justices of the Peace Manuals