1729: 2 George 2 c.27: An act to enable her Majesty to be regent of this kingdom, during his Majesty’s absence, without taking the oaths.
WHEREAS the King’s most excellent Majesty (whom God long preserve) hath been graciously pleased to communicate to his parliament his royal intention, for diverse weighty and important reasons, speedily to visit his dominions in Germany, and to appoint his royal consort the Queen (in whose wisdom and illustrious virtues his Majesty and his people do intirely confide) to be regent of this kingdom during his Majesty’s absence; be it enacted by the King’s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That if at any time or times hereafter his Majesty shall be pleased to constitute or appoint his said royal consort, the Queen, to be regent of this kingdom during his absence, either by the style of guardian of the realm of Great Britain, and his Majesty’s lieutenant within the same, or by any other style or title whatsoever, in every such case her Majesty shall, to all intents and purposes, be able and capable in law to accept, hold, exercise, and enjoy the said office, and effectually to do and perform all acts, matters, and things belonging thereunto, in such manner, and for such time, as his Majesty, by any letters patent, or commission to be passed for that purpose under the great seal of Great Britain, shall respectively from time to time direct and ordain, without taking, making, or subscribing any oath or oaths, declaration or declarations, or doing any other act or acts whatsoever, required by the laws and statutes of this realm to qualify any other person to accept, hold, exercise, or enjoy the said office, any law or statute to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Source: Pickering, Statutes At Large, vol. 16.
Further reading: Wikipedia