1806: 46 George 3 c.61: Postage Act.

1806: 46 George 3 c.61: An act to authorise certain publick officers to send and receive letters and packets by the post, free from the duty of postage.

[June 9, 1806.]

WHEREAS by an act, passed in the forty-second year of the reign of his present Majesty,

[44 G. 3. c. 63.]

intituled, An act to authorize the sending and receiving of letters and packets, votes, proceedings in parliament, and printed newspapers, by the post, free from the duty of postage, by the members of the two houses of parliament of the United Kingdom, and by certain publick officers therein named; and for reducing the postage on such votes, proceedings, and newspapers, when sent by any other persons; certain publick officers therein named are authorized to send and receive letters and packets by the post, free from the duty of postage, in the United Kingdom, in the manner and under the restrictions therein mentioned: and whereas it is expedient that certain other publick officers should, in like manner, send and receive letters and packets by the post free from postage; be it therefore enacted by the King’s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same,

[Certain publick officers authorised to send and receive letters and packets free from postage.]

That from and after the passing of this act, it shall be lawful for the lord high chancellor of Great Britain, the speaker of the house of commons, the first lord commissioner of his Majesty’s treasury in Great Britain, the first lord commissioner of the admiralty, the chancellor of his Majesty’s exchequer in Great Britain, the chancellor of his Majesty’s exchequer in that part of the united kingdom called Ireland, the president of the committee of council appointed for the consideration of matters relating to trade and foreign plantations, and the assistant secretary to the treasury in Great Britain, all for the time being, to send and receive letters and packets by the post, free from the duty of postage, within the United Kingdom, in the same manner, and under such restrictions as the several publick officers are authorized by the laws now in force to send and receive letters and packets free from postage.

[Treasury may authorise certain officers to send letters and packets free from postage, without the name of the post town, &c.]

II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the lords commissioners of the treasury for the time being, for the convenience of publick business, by writing under their hands, to authorize that letters and packets directed by his Majesty’s postmaster general, the secretary to the postmaster general, the secretaries to the treasury, and the assistant secretary to the treasury in Great Britain respectively for the time being, shall and may be sent by the post, free from postage, without the name of the post town, and the date of the day, month, and year, when sent, being superscribed thereon; any Law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Source: Pickering, Statutes at Large, vol. 46.