1787: 27 George 3 c.9: An Act for granting Rates of Portage for the Conveyance of Letters and Packets, between Great Britain and the Port of Waterford, in the Kingdom of Ireland, by way of Milford Haven.
WHEREAS it hath been found necessary, for the convenience and improvement of trade and commerce, and for the more speedy conveyance of letters and packets between Great Britain end Ireland, to establish packet boats between the port of Milford Haven in the county of Pembroke, and the port of Waterford in the kingdom of Ireland; be it therefore enacted by the King’s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same,
[From April 5, 1787, Postage to be taken for the Conveyance of Letters and Packets from Milford Haven to Waterford.]
That, from and after the fifth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, it shall and may be lawful to and for his Majesty’s postmaster general, and his deputy and deputies, by him thereunto sufficiently authorized, to and for the use or his Majesty, his heirs and successors, to demand, have, receive and take, for the port and conveyance of all and every the letters and packets that shall be carried or conveyed, by packet boats, to or from the port of Milford Haven aforesaid, or to or from any other convenient port in the kingdom of Great Britain, from or to the port of Waterford aforesaid, or from or to any other convenient port in the said kingdom of Ireland, (over and above all other rates payable for the portage and conveyance of such letters and packets), according to the rates and sums hereafter mentioned, (the same being rated either by the letter, or by the ounce), that is to say,
[Rates of Postage.]
For every single letter, sixpence:
For every double letter, one shilling:
For every treble letter, one shilling and sixpence;
And for every ounce, two shillings:
And so in proportion for every packet of deeds, writs, and other things.
[Postage of Letters from or to London or Waterford, by way of Milford Haven, not to exceed the Rates of Postage between London and Dublin, by way of Holyhead.]
II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no letter or packet, sent by the post from or to London, to or from the port of Waterford aforesaid, by way of Milford Haven, shall be charged with an higher rate of postage than letters and packets sent from or to London, to or from Dublin, by the way of Holyhead, are now rated and liable to pay.
[Monies arising under this Act to be appropriated as the present Rates of Postage now are.]
III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the monies to arise by the rates and duties aforesaid, (except the monies which shall be necessary to defray such expences as shall be incurred in the collection and management of the same), shall be appropriated and applied to such and the same uses as the present rates and duties of postage are now, or shall be respectively made applicable.
Source: Ruffhead, Statutes at Large, vol. 15.