British Legislation on Africa and Slavery

This section lists many of the substantive laws passed by the parliaments of England, Scotland, Britain and the U.K., relating to Africa and slavery from 1697 to 1879. (I haven’t found any substantial mention of either subject in the Irish acts.) I believe it gives the vast majority of relevant acts, but I am as yet unsure of what is missing; it will be expanded to cover earlier legislation, time allowing.

Where I have transcribed the statute, I have linked to that text; otherwise, I have linked to either the relevant volume in the Internet Archive or Google Books, the transcriptions from the Statutes of the Realm on British History Online, or P. Davis’ set of laws relating to the slave trade. Scottish acts link to the Records of the Parliament of Scotland to 1707 site. Those unlinked I have not yet located. In time, all these acts will be available in on this site.

I have not included every law mentioning Africa; many, relating to customs and duties, make only passing and general reference to the continent.

1695: Scotland: Act for a company trading to Africa and the Indies.
1697-8: 9 William 3 c.26: An Act to settle the Trade to Africa.
1700: Scotland: Act in favour of the African and Indian Company.
1703: Scotland: Act in Favour of the Company Trading to Africa and the Indies.
1706: Scotland: Act concerning the payment of the sums out of the equivalent to the African Company.
1707: 6 Anne c.24: An act for the further directing the payment of the equivalent money: Provisions concerning the African and Indian Company of Scotland.
1711: 10 Anne c.27: An Act for making effectual such Agreement as shall be made between the Royal African Company of England and their Creditors.
1726: 13 George 1 c.8: The South Sea slave trade act.
1732: 5 George 2 c.7: Recovery of American Debts: made the enslaved into personal or chattel property for the purposes of satisfying debts.
1750: 23 George 2 c.31: An Act for extending and improving the Trade to Africa.
1751: 24 George 2 c.49: An Act for allowing further time to the commissioners appointed by and in pursuance of an act of the twenty third year of his present Majesty’s reign, intituled, An act for extending and interning the trade to Africa, to inquire into the claims of certain creditors of the Royal African company therein mentioned ….
1752: 25 George 2 c.40: An Act …. for making compensation and satisfaction to the Royal African company of England ….
1764: 4 George 3 c.20: An Act for vesting the Fort of Senegal, and its Dependencies, in the Company of Merchants trading to Africa.
1765: 5 George 3 c.30: An Act for more effectually supplying the Export Trade of this Kingdom to Africa, with such Coarse Printed Callicoes, and other Goods of the Product or Manufacture of the East Indies, or other Places beyond the Cape of Good Hope, as are prohibited to be worn and used in Great Britain ….
1765: 5 George 3 c.37: An Act for laying certain Duties upon Gum Senega and Gum Arabic imported into or exported from Great Britain, and for confining the Exportation of Gum Senega from Africa to Great Britain only.
1765: 5 George 3 c.44: An Act for repealing the Act made in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act for vesting the Fort of Senegal, and its Dependencies, in the Company of Merchants trading to Africa; and to vest as well the said Forts and its Dependencies, as all other the British Forts and Settlements upon the Coast of Africa, lying between the Port of Sallee and Cape Rouge, together with all the Property, Estate, and Effects, of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa, in or upon the said Forts, Settlements, and their Dependencies, in his Majesty; and for securing, extending, and improving, the Trade to Africa.
1766: 6 George 3 c.49: An Act for opening and establishing certain Ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica …. (The ‘Free Ports Act.’)
1783: 23 George 3 c.65: An act for repealing an act, made in the fifth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An act for repealing the act made in the last session of parliament, intituled, An act for vesting the fort of Senegal ….
1787: 27 George 3 c.27: An Act for allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in the Ports of Kingston, Savannah la Mar, Montego Bay, and Santa Lucea in the Island of Jamaica, in the Port of Saint George in the Island of Grenada, in the Port of Roseau in the Island of Dominica, and in the Port of Nassau in the Island of New Providence, one of the Bahama Islands, under certain Regulations and Restrictions.
1788: 28 George 3 c.54: An Act to regulate, for a limited Time, the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1789: 29 George 3 c.66: An Act to continue, for a limited Time, and amend an Act, made in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to regulate, for a limited Time, the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1790: 30 George 3 c.33: An Act to amend and continue, for a limited Time, several Acts of Parliament for regulating the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1791: 31 George 3 c.54: An Act to continue, for a limited Time, and to amend an Act, made in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, An Act to amend and continue, for a limited Time, several Acts of Parliament for regulating the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from 17the Coast of Africa.
1791: 31 George 3 c.55: Sierra Leone Company Act.
1792: 32 George 3 c.52: An Act to continue, for a limited Time, several Acts of Parliament for regulating the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1793: 33 George 3 c.73: An Act to continue, for a limited Time, and to amend several Acts of Parliament for regulating the Shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1794: 34 George 3 c.80: An Act to continue, for a limited Time, and to amend an Act, passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled An Act to continue, for a limited Time, and to amend several Acts of Parliament for regulating the Shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1795: 35 George 3 c.90: An Act for regulating the shipping and carrying Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1797: 37 George 3 c.104: An Act for regulating the shipping and carrying of Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1797: 37 George 3 c.118: An Act for regulating the Height between Decks of Vessels entered outwards for the Purpose of carrying Slaves from the Coast of Africa.
1797: 37 George 3 c.119: An Act to repeal so much of an Act, made in the fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled, An Act for the more easy Recovery of Debts in His Majesty’s Plantations and Colonies in America, as makes Negroes Chattels for the Payment of Debts.
1798: 38 George 3 c.88: An Act for regulating, until the first Day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, the shipping and carrying of Slaves in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1799: 39 George 3 c.80: An Act for better regulating the Manner of carrying Slaves, in British Vessels from the Coast of Africa.
1806: 46 George 3 c.52: An Act to prevent the Importation of Slaves, by any of His Majesty’s Subjects into any Islands, Colonies, Plantations or Territories belonging to any Foreign Sovereign, State or Power; and also to render more effectual a certain Order made by His Majesty in Council on the Fifteenth day of August One thousand eight hundred and five, for prohibiting the Importation of Slaves (except in certain cases) into any of the Settlements, Islands, Colonies or Plantations, on the Continent of America, or in the West Indies, which have been surrendered to His Majesty’s Arms during the present War; and to prevent the fitting out of Foreign Slave Ships, from the British Ports.
1806: 46 George 3 c.119: An Act to prohibit for two Years after the Conclusion of the present Session of Parliament, any Ships to clear out from any Port of Great Britain, for the Coast of Africa, for the Purpose of taking on board Negroes, unless such Ships shall have been previously employed in the African Trade, or contracted for, for that Purpose.
1807: 47 George 3 Sess. 1 c.36: An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1807: 47 George 3 Sess. 2 c.44: An Act for transferring to His Majesty, certain Possessions and Rights vested in the Sierre Leone Company, and for shortening the Duration of the said Company; and for preventing any dealing or trafficking in the buying or selling of Slaves within the Colony of Sierre Leone.
1811: 51 George 3 c.23: An Act for rendering more effectual an Act made in the Forty seventh Year of His Majesty’s reign, intituled An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1813: 53 George 3 c.112: An Act to enlarge the Time for commencing Prosecutions for Forfeitures under certain Acts relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1814: 54 George 3 c.59: An Act to allow Ships taken and condemned for being used in carrying on the Slave Trade, to be registered as British-built ships.
1815: 55 George 3 c.172: An Act to provide for the Support of captured Slaves during the Period of Adjudication.
1818: 58 George 3 c.36: An Act to carry into Execution a Treaty made between His Majesty and the King of Spain, for preventing Traffic in Slaves
1818: 58 George 3 c.49: An Act to explain Three Acts, passed in the Forty sixth, Forty seventh and Fifty first Years of His Majesty’s Reign, respectively, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1818: 58 George 3 c.85: An Act to carry into Execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal, for the preventing Traffic in Slaves
1818: 58 George 3 c.98: An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the Fifty first Year of His Majesty’s Reign, for rendering more effectual an Act made in the Forty seventh year of His Majesty’s Reign, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1819: 59 George 3 c.16: An Act to carry into Effect the Treaty with the Netherlands, relating to the Slave Trade.
1819: 59 George 3 c.17: An Act to amend an Act of last Session of Parliament, for carrying into execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal, for the preventing the Traffic in Slaves
1819: 59 George 3 c.97: An Act to extend the provisions of an Act made in the Forty sixth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled An Act for the more speedy Trial of Offences committed in distant Parts upon the Seas, to the Trial of Offences committed in Africa against the Laws abolishing the Slave Trade.
1819: 59 George 3 c.120: An Act for establishing a Registry of Colonial Slaves in Great Britain, and for making further Provision with respect to the removal of Slaves from British Colonies.
1820: 1 George 4 c.50: An Act to carry into Effect certain Licences, permitting the removal of Negro Slaves from the Bahama islands to Demerara.
1821: 1 & 2 George 4 c.28: An Ac.t for abolishing the African Company, and transferring to and vesting in His Majesty all the Forts, Possessions and Property now belonging to or held by them
1821: 1 & 2 George 4 c.99: An Act for the Appropriation of certain Proceeds arising from the Capture of Vessels and Cargoes, the Property of the Subjects of the Kings of Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, taken and seized in Violation of the Conventions made with those States, and for granting Bounties upon Slaves captured in such Vessels, and also for granting Indemnity to the Captors of certain Vessels taken in the Prosecution of the Slave Trade.
1824: 5 George 4 c.17: An Act for the more effectual Suppression of the African Slave Trade.
1824: 5 George 4 c.113: An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave. Trade.
1827: 7 & 8 George 4 c.54: An Act to carry into Effect the Treaty with Sweden relative to the Slave Trade.
1827: 7 & 8 George 4 c.74: An Act to carry into Execution a Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil for the Regulation and final Abolition of the African Slave Trade.
1828: 9 George 4 c.84: An Act to continue an Act for amending and consolidating the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1830: 11 George 4 & 1 William 4 c.55: An Act to reduce the Rate of Bounties payable upon the Seizure of Slaves.
1833: 3 & 4 William 4 c.72: An Act for carrying into effect Two Conventions with the King of the French for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1833: 3 & 4 William 4 c.73: An Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies; for promoting the Industry of the manumitted Slaves; and for compensating the Persons hitherto entitled to the Services of such Slaves.
1835: 5 & 6 William 4 c.45: An Act to carry into further Execution the Provisions of an Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of His present Majesty, for compensating Owners of Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.
1835: 5 & 6 William 4 c.60: An Act for carrying into effect a Treaty with the King of the French and the King of Sardinia for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1835: 5 & 6 William 4 c.61: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty with the King of the French and the King of Denmark for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1836: 6 & 7 William 4 c.5: An Act for carrying into further Execution Two Acts of His present Majesty relating to the Compensation for Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery, and for facilitating the Distribution and Payment of such Compensation.
1836: 6 & 7 William 4 c.6: An Act for carrying into effect a Treaty made between His Majesty and the Queen Regent of Spain for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1836: 6 & 7 William 4 c.16: An Act to revive and continue in force, until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty, an Act of the Legislature of Jamaica to explain and amend an Act for the Abolition of Slavery in that Island, and in aid of the same.
1836: 6 & 7 William 4 c.81: An Act to authorize His Majesty, until Six Months after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, to carry into immediate Execution, by Orders in Council, any Treaties, Conventions, or Stipulations made with any Foreign Power or State for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1836: 6 & 7 William 4 c.82: An Act to carry into further Execution an Act for compensating Owners of Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery, and for completing the full Payment of such Compensation.
1837: 7 William 4 & 1 Victoria c.62: An Act to authorise Her Majesty, until Six Months after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, to carry into immediate Execution, by Orders in Council, any Treaties, Conventions, or Stipulations made with any Foreign Power or State for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1837: 7 William 4 & 1 Victoria c.88: An Act to amend certain Acts related to the Crime of Piracy.
1837: 7 William 4 & 1 Victoria c.91: An Act for abolishing the Punishment of Death in certain Cases. (Removes death penalty from 5 Geo. 4. c. 113.)
1837: 1 & 2 Victoria c.3: An Act to carry into further Execution the Provisions of an Act for completing the full Payment of Compensation to Owners of Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.19: An Act to amend the Act for the Abolition of Slavery in the British Colonies.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.39: An Act to carry into effect a Convention of Accession of the Hans Towns to Two Conventions with the King of the French, for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.40: An Act to carry into effect an additional Article to a Treaty with Sweden relative to the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.41: An Act to carry into effect an additional Article to a Treaty with the Netherlands relative to the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.47: An Act for the better and more effectually carrying into effect the Treaties and Conventions made with Foreign Powers for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.83: An Act for carrying into effect a Convention of Accession of the Duke of Tuscany to Two Conventions with the King of the French for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.84: An Act for carrying into effect a Convention of Accession of the King of the Two Sicilies to Two Conventions with the King of the French for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1838: 1 & 2 Victoria c.102: An Act to revive and continue, until Six Months after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, and to amend, an Act for authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate Execution by Orders in Council any Treaties made for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1839: 2 & 3 Victoria c.57: An Act to continue, until Six Months after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate Execution by Orders in Council any Treaties made for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1839: 2 & 3 Victoria c.73: An Act for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1840: 3 & 4 Victoria c.64: An Act to continue until eight Months after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament an Act authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate execution, by Orders in Council, any Treaties for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1840: 3 & 4 Victoria c.67: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of Venezuela for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1841: 4 & 5 Victoria c.18: An Act to make further Provision for facilitating and completing the Distribution and Payment of Compensation for Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.40: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Argentine Confederation for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.41: An Act for carrying into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the Republic of Hayti for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.42: An Act for better and more effectually carrying into effect Treaties and Conventions with Foreign States for suppressing the Slave Trade.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.59: An Act to continue until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-three an Act for authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate Execution, by Orders in Council, any Treaties for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.91: An Act to amend an Act of the Second and Third Years of Her Majesty, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.101: An Act for extending to the Governors and Officers of the East India Company the Powers given by an Act of the Fifth Year of King George the Fourth to Her Majesty’s Governors and Officers for the more effectual Suppression on the Importation of Slaves into India by Sea.
1842: 5 & 6 Victoria c.114: An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the Second and Third Years of Her present Majesty, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, as relates to Portugueze vessels.
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.14: An Act carrying into effect a Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of Bolivia for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.15: An Act carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of Texas for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade.
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.16: An Act carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.46: An Act to continue until the first day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and to the end of the then Session of Parliament, an Act for authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate Execution by orders in Council any Treaties for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.50: An Act for carrying into execution a Treaty signed at London for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, so far as the same relates to Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.51: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Mexican Republic for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.52: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of Chile for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.53: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Queen of Portugal for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
1843: 6 & 7 Victoria c.98: An Act for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1844: 7 & 8 Victoria c.26: An Act for authorizing Her Majesty to carry into immediate Execution, by Orders in Council any Treaties for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1845: 8 & 9 Victoria c.122: An Act to amend an Act, intituled An Act to carry into Execution a Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, for the Regulation and Final Abolition of the African Slave Trade.
1848: 11 & 12 Victoria c.116: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of the Equator for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves.
1848: 11 & 12 Victoria c.128: An Act for carrying into effect the Agreement between Her Majesty and the Imaum of Muscat for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1849: 12 & 13 Victoria c.84: An Act for carrying into effect Engagements between Her Majesty and certain Arabian Chiefs in the Persian Gulf for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1853: 16 & 17 Victoria c.16: An Act for carrying into effect the Engagement between Her Majesty and Syed Syf bin Hamood, the Chief of Sohar in Arabia for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1853: 16 & 17 Victoria c.17: An Act for carrying into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the Republic of New Granada for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1853: 16 & 17 Victoria c.86: An Act to remove Doubts as to the Rights of the liberated Africans in Sierra Leone.
1855: 18 & 19 Victoria c.85: An Act for carrying into effect the Engagements between Her Majesty and certain Chiefs of the Sherbro Country near Sierra Leone in Africa, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade.
1862: 25 & 26 Victoria c.40: An Act to carry into effect the Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade.
1862: 25 & 26 Victoria c.90: An Act for rectifying a clerical Error in the Act of the present Session, Chapter Forty, with respect to the African Slave Trade Treaty.
1863: 26 & 27 Victoria c.24: An Act to facilitate the Appointment of Vice Admirals and of Officers in Vice Admiralty Courts in Her Majesty’s Possessions abroad, and to confirm the past Proceedings, to extend the Jurisdiction, and to amend the Practice of those Courts.
1863: 26 & 27 Victoria c.34: An Act to carry into effect an additional Article to the Treaty of the Seventh Day of April One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade.
1869: 32 & 33 Victoria c.2: An Act for repealing the Act of the Session of the eighth and ninth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and twenty-two.
1869: 32 & 33 Victoria c.75: An Act to regulate and extend the Jurisdiction of Her Majesty’s Consul at Zanzibar in regard to vessels captured on suspicion of being engaged in the Slave Trade, and for other purposes relating thereto.
1873: 36 & 37 Victoria c.59: An Act for regulating and extending the Jurisdiction in matters connected with the Slave Trade of the Vice-Admiralty Court at Aden, and of Her Majesty’s Consuls under Treaties with the Sovereigns of Zanzibar, Muscat, and Madagascar, and under future Treaties.
1873: 36 & 37 Victoria c.88: An Act for consolidating with Amendments the Acts for carrying into effect Treaties for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade, and for other purposes connected with the Slave Trade.
1876: 39 & 40 Victoria c.46: An Act for more effectually punishing Offences against the Laws relating to the Slave Trade.
1879: 42 & 43 Victoria c.38: An Act to amend the Slave Trade (East African Courts) Act, 1873.